First of all belated greetings and warm wishes to HM the Sultan on his 63rd Birthday on 15th July.. "Maximum respect"
Back to golf, Jang Manan came for a two week break (summer in Saudi??) to enjoy some quality time on the course... So Manan, Sam and myself travelled to Miri and played Eastwood on the Israk Mikraj holiday (fell on sunday)
Upon arrival pleasantly surprised to see the rate was a weekday RM150 saja... guess no holiday in Miri.. cakoi tu.. and soon after we were on the 1st tee..
Must admit was a bit surprised when Sam remarked "Blue tee saja eh.. kedapatan tua sudah" Manan was in support so I was outnumbered on this one. My first nine was actually great.. left both of them eating dust.. left Manan by 8 strokes and Sam by 6
basically, it was game over at half time.. could also see 80% of my drives was 10-20mtrs ahead of the others.. (weight lifting works!!)
And so I thought...
My game plan for the back nine was simply to protect my lead.. whatever Sam and Manan produced I just have to match or square the hole.. sound simple enough.. Until the distraction on the 11th... Sam was driving on his own and was distracted by some people playing on the 16th hole. He accidentaly ran over my ball.. bad feng shui..
My drive was in the bunker and could not get out the first time.. was about to hit my third when Sam ran over my ball with the buggy... ended up with a unnecessary triple seven.. Again on holes 12 and 13th I blew chances to shut the door.. but poor putting let me down.. then game jinx holes 14 and 15.. by the 17th I was from a winning to a losing position.. down 2 strokes to Sam and one to Manan..
On 18th I managed to get my approach to within 10ft and drilled the bird.. Sam parred from long range so I lost him by one.. Manan also parred but won him by one.. so at least I was cost neutral.. Sam was the big winner and Hj Manan was paymaster..
Two things that came out:
1. Dont get carried away
2. Block out distractions (bola kana run over ohh)
3. Need further training on soft sanded bunker
Taking this opportunity.. Wishing Jang Manan safe journey back to Dahran.. See you for Hari Raya jang...
p.s Maximum smile for the guys who got a 14 score on their score cards at Jerudong the week before.. ketahuan kau jang.. ada orang main 115++..