BMMJ golfers Hj Shahbudin, Yusof Hj Johan, Hj Rahim, orang pencen, Kap Hj Amir (afternoon) and myself today participated in the 15th Baiduri Charity tournament held in RBA. I believe Jang Hj Samuil, Zairin played in the earlier round in Panaga the week before.
After the usual negotiations of stroke level on the 1st tee (started 10th) we patiently waited for the siren to start. Orang pencen confidently mentioned to us that he would like to tee off first.. we said OK takut nda ampit honour...
At around 7am the siren duly sounded and quick as a flash orang pencen teed up his ball and smashed his ball even before the siren had ended... did it split the fairway? Pass the coconut tree? tia karang... tu nah... masuk kolam on the left... I was trying very hard not to laugh and turned my back away... hahah... for somebody with so much experience in golf.. make a fundamental mistake.. what is he trying to prove? His third went the same way and ended up with a nine...
For about three holes... sanyam orang pencen.. nada bunyi... trauma? perhaps.. sudah ia Par on the short par 3 #13 baru tah bersuara..
"59 (umur) bah ni..." dengan tujuk tangan nya sekali... When I birdied the Par 5 Liang Toon.. everybody said.. Main even par oh...
In the end, despite my 80 gross it was not enough to beat Yusof's 85 gross (has a higher handicap).. but dapat jua mamam orang pencen who recovered with a respectable 90 and Hj Shahbudin with a 94... CFO - Chief Financial Officer for the day was Hj Shahbudin i think... So well done to Yusof for winning the pool and Champ for the day..
News from the grapevine (In Panaga) Hj Sam mamam Zairin @ panaga on the same day.. According to Hj Sam, Zairin played 107 - probably due to tiredness... ummphh abis..
Personal note - Drop three shots in the last three holes that could have been the difference for making the weekend cut.. Anyway, im quite happy with an 80...