Guest Editor - Hj Mohd Zairin, Competition Secretary
1.Afandy Ahmad player to watch
14 BLNG & BMMJ players played at RBA on 23rd Oct 2010. Afandy never put his foot wrong during the day. Hj Dua, Pg Ali and Zairin were not putting enough challenge to shake him off. His game is back with loooooong tee-shots, razor sharp putter and final score –Gross/net 84/65 respectively – CHOP CHOP Handicap...... Player to watch for BMMJ play offs.
Something to be proud of Kap Ali - overdrive all players on 3rd Hole 10 meters passed the 100 meters maker and on hole 18... in terms of gross improved by 10 strokes better than the previous outing.
2. Zairin hit by own ball - injured left leg
On hole 13 trying to play safe, 3rd shot ball was near approximately 30cm from the buggy path drain line lips. 4th Shot ball did not get air-borne, instead hit the concrete drain and bounced back hitting left leg. Aduuhhhhh... panat ...... Lucky enough the ball did not hit other vital parts.... and first aid treatment carried out immediately with ice cubes – cold compressed. As a future learning asked for free lift....
Condition of Zairin’s leg after being hit by own’s leg....
3.Hj Dua become ATM
Awal sudah ada jinx – hole 1.. 3 on 4 putted.... this is it...... Hole 17 remains the Jinx hole for some... this time Hj Dua become the victim of hole 17 – Tee shot went OB, 2 balls went into water and final score 11 strokes – oiiiii banyak yoi. On hole 18 his Tee off went into the rain channel and final score ended with an 8. Overall gross score 104 and becoming ATM of the day.
Last group to tee-off comprising of Othman, Walid, Aidil and Nizam... Not much highlights to cover except that they played a record of 5 hours plus..... not sure about their score whats the plus..... plussss...