The game of golf embodies some very important characters or traits not usually found in other sports. I think there about six or seven.
1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. Sportmanship
4. Respect
5. Responsibility
6. Courtesy
To give an example, only in golf that you penalise yourself e.g when your ball goes into a hazard or out of bounds. In most other sports, the referee would make the decision. That is why golf is different, unique and special.
Unfortunately, some golfers do not share or adhere to these principles.
There were suppose to be four of us playing last Saturday afternoon in RBGCC. The hype was building up all week. Shahbudin wanted to play but not enough kaki's available the week before.
This week, one didnt turn up and very disappointingly only informed us in the morning. No excuse was given. Tsunami or otherwise... maybe TAKUT KALAH or another 111++ score and double digit score on #10...
Im normally quite forgiving but this time.. this has crossed the line...
Way forward? I would leave that to my fellow golfers to decide how to address this issue for future games...
Coming back to the game:
Players: Yoi Hj Yusof, Jang Hj Shahbudin and me self
Where? RBGCC, 12.45pm
Weather? Cloudy with a chance of rain late afternoon
Pool? Lupa.. too upset due to no-show.. Cana kan cari replacement last minute?
Front Nine:
Started with a par while GB had a double and GY had a triple. Told them i was lucky. By the 7th hole I was running away with the game playing even par... Noises galore from them both... Was targeting playing 37 or 38.. Then controversy on the 8th..
My tee shot was on-line but few feet short.. chipped but was a bit hard and rolled about 4ft pass the hole.. Interestingly, it settled near an old divot or pitch mark that was unrepaired. I cleaned and lined the ball but when I was addressing it - the ball moved into the old divot. "Ah.. 1 stroke penalty" Said Jang Budin...
Shahbudin then gave me an example "One stroke penalty Jang - saw it on TV when Harrington did the same on the PGA tour when his ball moved by the wind"
RULE 18 USGA - Ball Moving After Address
If a player's ball in play moves after he has addressed it (other than as a result of a stroke), the player is deemed to have moved the ball and
incurs a penalty of one
I subsequently missed the putt and made a 5.. there goes the 37.. Didnt recover for the 9th and ended up with a double from a difficult shot on the downhill slope..
GB's 3rd shot also hit my buggy.. penalty... and another controversy..
Luckily GB and GY also had a huge number on the 9th... hehe
Result: GB 4x, GY 5X and me 4X (CSI - But as for individual game, abis sapu... hehe)
Back Nine
From previous games, i have a tendency to lose from a winning position (Samuil - Eastwood & others) So I was very determined to keep and protect my lead..
GY was struggling with his game mostly due to long lay off and housing concerns.. but all three of us were proud to record a BOGEY on 10th... with me missing a makeable putt for par from 5ft.. green alum putong.. great recovery for GB from hutan and GY from just behind the bunker... KITANI BAH TU... Rasa macam birdie oh
By the 16th, GY was "contained" and I only had GB to worry about..
On the 15th.. I was contemplating crossing but decided not to as the wind was picking up and my driver was cold that day.. but not GB... full marks for bravery.. uhh.. sayang too much left and hit the maintenance roof building... Mine went right and safely on the fairway.. tutup buku.. and so i thought... my approach masuk air.. after a mishit from the normally reliable 7 iron... GY went in the drink as well.. Still salvaged a 6 while the others had 7 and 8.. hehe..
By 18th.. last minute mind game by GB.. and I almost fell for it..
"Kalau kau triple aku par, manang ku ni Jang" said GB...
My mistake for letting it get to my head.. kira score lah dulu...
From the jungle i scrambled a seven while GB parred... GY also had a seven or eight.. saved him one stroke by finding his ball on the left slope on 18th....
Anyway, GB and GY... abis..... won over GB by nett 3 strokes and GY... hehe rather not say... Was REMINDED.. Stroke naik for them both in next game... no worries...
Jurubayar Agung: Yoi Hj Yusof Taufik - (1XX)
Cost Neutral: Jang Hj Shahbudin Musa - (9X)
Big Winner/belanja rojak & ABC di Amanah Harith: Me self... of course.. (8X)
Thanks also for subsidy from them both....
Jang Manan, sia-sia pun ABC... nanti tunggu u balik December...
PICTURE: GY in trouble on the 2nd hole.. but recovered with a bogey.. well done but swing atu.. macam awal tarik kiri....