Guest Editor - Gabernor Bandung Hj Mohd Zairin
No official BMMJ golf outing took place on 17th April 2010 with the absence of some key BMMJ players on business trip.
Coincidently an invitation was received from Panaga Golf Captain (Hj Ibrahim) to some BSP players for selection to represent BSP Team for Pesta Sukan Kebangsaan, PSK 2010 ........ four BMMJ players, Hj Samuil, Hj Rahim, Mohd-Yunos and Zairin choose to participate in the golf selection. Selection took place on Saturday 17/04/2010 at Panaga Golf Course.
BMMJ players managed to play in one flight and as usual and tradition, before each game intense negotiation took place between the individual and the pool. Obviously home players always have the upperhand and advantage over the course – walking course yoooooiiiiii…. And the heat took its toll even for the Nigerian Kung Fu and Hj Rahim (home player) collapse at back nine.
Result - Zairin main 90 gross.. semua kana panyap ooooooiiiii….. whilst G Samuil played 88 , Hj Rahim played 99 and Mohd-Yunos 90+, inda lagi terkira score...terus balik. Next challenge is on 1st May 2010 at PGC…. Nigerian Kungfu bagi 10stroke lagi without even being asked to Zairin… mau balas dendam and secret weapon – Bawa Kiddy Lawa kali ani to psycho his opponent….
Photo captions
- Tee-off G Samuil kana toleh oleh Hj Rahmi… umur… umur…
- Pemanas jua Hj Rahim ani ah sudah pun panas mata hari tambah tah ia lagi ….. marah kan org dapan kah atau pun kana overdrive olih Zairin… lurus telunjuknya ……..
– Kes orang sudah telampau ngalih…
– Practice swing atu mcm marah kana toleh oleh Hj Rahim…
Personal note: Happy for you Yoi... Abis champion RBA... kedapatan weakness