Monday 6 December 2010

BMMJ Year in Review

Salam All.

Just a quick note to all players & members.

What all started at the beginning of January when Hj Manan was back for his holidays in Brunei and to where we are today, would have not happen without the cooperation and teamwork of all players and members. The group has had a outstanding year with regular games and "friendly" competition.

Our membership has grown and continues to do so with some more players pledging to join us in the new year. We hope this positive trend to continue although it must be said that numbers should remain manageable.

For next year, we hope to establish a new system to increase/decrease our handicaps to ensure an even keel for all and perhaps a more simplified merit system. The small matter of creating the official BMMJ logo is also outstanding. Thus I would draw upon the more creative members to come up with suggestion.

A little more than three months from now, we are going to hold the first "overseas" BMMJ game where we will organise a pre-retirement farewell golf for our CEO Pg Hj Ali Pg Hj Matarsat from 23 to 27 March. Venue and further details will be announced separately.

I have indicated to Hj Rahim to help organise a friendly game with the LAPORPO golf team in January and the group can expect similar games throughout the year if the schedule allows.

Going forward, I would seek the commitment of all members to strengthen the spirit of competition and sportsmanship in all our tournaments. Golf has and always be a gentlemen's game. Participation by other members not holding any position in the current committee in setting up future games is warmly welcome. The group after all, is made by us, for us.

Best wishes for the holiday season and happy golfing.

p.s Siapa-siapa jara jadi ATM in 2010 adalah sangat-sangat dialukan untuk undergo intensive REHAB before the season starts in January.. hehe

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